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The progressive cloudiness of the normal transparent crystal lens of the eye is called Cataract (fig. 2).
It usually starts as a whitish spot and in time ends up in a solid white lens named Mature Cataract.
The initial symptoms are: blurred images, halos around lights and poor color discrimination, which after some years leads to a complete loss of vision.
The more frequent cause of Cataract is the aging of the human organism.
In rare cases, Cataract may present at birth (Congenital Cataract), or may appear after long-lasting reception of certain medications, eye injuries and as consequence of chronic eye and systemic diseases.
The only effective way of treatment is the surgical removal of Cataract and the implantation of an artificial lens inside the eye.
Today with the modern surgical methods that are in practice (phacoemulsification), the Cataract can be removed successfully at the initial stages, long before maturation.
The success rate of the surgery is very high and the re-establishment of a normal vision is the rule.

Surgical Procedure
It is painless procedure performed under topical anesthesia with drops.
The results are impressive, the patient may see few hours after surgery without any bruises or swelling of the eyelids.
The cataract is removed with a special instrument of ultrasounds and the technique is named Phacoemulsification.
From a small incision of 2.4 mm, the Cataract is emulsified and aspirated through a small needle tip that is inserted inside the eye.(fig. 3) In the continuity without enlarging the incision, a special foldable lens is implanted inside the eye. The small incision is left without sutures and heals in two weeks. The intraocular lens remains in the eye forever.(fig. 4)
The advantages of the method are the short time of hospitalization and the quick recovery of vision, enabling the patient to regain his or her daily activities very soon.